Belief Statement:
We believe that one of the goals of the local church is to help believers mature in their faith, knowledge, and action as they continue their journey with Christ. The local congregation accomplishes this through the work of discipleship. In discipleship believers become aware of the presence of God and the ways the voice of the Father forms their identity and calls believers to obedience. It is through an intentional process of reflection, repentance, and invitation into deeper challenge that believers grow as disciples.
The desert fathers sought to grow in their faith by secluding themselves away from contact with the outside world. Saint Benedict, however, recognized that true growth came in community. In our own traditions, John Wesley, through Methodism understood that discipleship required different levels of participation to help a disciple thrive.
Today we employ group huddles that function to develop skills in listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and call disciples to deeper obedience. These huddles ask hard questions and peel back layers of formation to get to the heart of what the Lord is saying to each disciple. Huddles allow space for questions, conversation, and challenge but also invite believers to ponder how far the love of God extends.